Day to day life of a dude.. Boring Details.. Life as it is.. And it aint Beauitful Like Roberto Benigni's(was his??)...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Arguing with the Expert...

well if i didnt know what SCRUM was until day before yesterday then its not that scrum process isnt used by any one, as a matter of fact its hot and getting hotter by the day.. or by the hour shall i say..

As they would popularly say in india " Any one who gets blind in Spring would see everything Green only"... so yeah i see every thing as much i know of them.. Right..

Anyways for people who have'nt heard what scrum is, better go to and figure it out. it is an Agile process, now if you dont know what Agile is, never mind.. nothing else in this particular blog is going to make any sense..

So alright Agile is hot.. SCRUM seems to be getting hot.. but if SCRUM is in does that push out some previous methods? i would like to believe no..

So am talking about waterfall method.. while i studied the waterfall method, the drawbacks were pretty much evident.. in fact the person who created the technology doesnt have too many nice words to say about the same. so yeah but still i never thought that it is a blunder..

Excuse me, did you just say blunder...? yeah you heard kit alright, BLUNDER.. that to COLOSSAl..
Read :

So i didnt appreciate it, coz no one who taught me the model or the people who use it had ever been so generous with their criticism.. So suddenly when you come to something like this, you will be shocked just like i was.. so why the heck even the best of schools still teach it? no one knows.. but the gentleman whose blog i did decide to question is certainly a man with much greater experience & Knowldege.. and me being a really not so technical person.. (didnt you read the BA blogs am so very obsessed with) did concede in my second comment on the same blog that i might not be the right person to question his credentials but was just trying to make a point and i still believe a very much valid point that when Waterfall model is used with lesser rigidity it can yield results.. and can be made to work according to one's convenience...

hope so am not being a smartpant when i feel this blogging and commenting on people's blogs, especially the knowldegeble one's would only enrich my exposure and skills in the IT field..



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